ICKEM 2017

March 11-13, 2017 | USM, Penang, Malaysia



Proceedings of ICKEM 2017 can be checked online now (Click)
Proceedings of ICKEM 2017 indexed by Scopus (Click)
Proceedings of ICKEM 2017 indexed by Ei Compendex (Click)


ICKEM 2017 Photos

Keynote Speaker I -- Prof. Alexander M. Korsunsky
Trinity College, Oxford University, UK


Keynote Speaker II -- Prof. Denis Fichou
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
Pierre & Marie Curie University in Paris, France

Plenary Speaker--Prof. Akira Namatame
National Defense Academy, Japan



Openning--Prof. Tjokorda Gde Tirta Nindhia
Udayana University, Indonesia

Workshop on Selection, processing and technology applications of key structural and functional materials (March 11, 2017)


USM Campus Visit on March 13